Miriam Ropschitz, based in the UK, is a renowned writer and leader in women's work, specializing in menstrual and sexual wisdom.

Founder of Moon Body, a modern-day temple to women's mysteries where she guides women in embodied spirituality.

Over a decade of experience studying, practicing, and teaching embodied spiritual practices, including tantra and sacred plant ceremonies.

Conducted retreats, festivals, and workshops worldwide, supporting women in healing their wombs and enhancing their capacity for sensual pleasure.

Trained in yoga, qigong, integrative pelvic work, and women's health herbalism, with extensive experience in ceremonies, rituals, meditation, and retreats.

Guidance in Menstrual and Sexual Wisdom

1h 33m

1h 33m


Miriam Ropschitz

Sacred Sexual Self Care

Unlock the power of sacred self-care and sexual awakening. Embrace a profound journey into your authentic sexual essence.



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