Grow Together

Explore 12 lessons to strengthen your bond and express affection with your partner, all from the comfort of your home.

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Welcome! Thank you so much for committing to a deepening of your relationship and your connection with each other by signing up for this 12 lesson course. Please watch the short intro video, and then have a chat with your partner about how you will approach this opportunity. A fun way to do this is to have a 'date night' once a week - where you watch the video, then spend some time practicing. I know that even with the best of intentions, life can get crazy - so I've kept the videos to around 15-20minutes each. Watch them then take some time to do the practices. Even with just 20-40minutes a week of commitment, doing these practices will deepen your connection, your intimacy and improve your relating. If you've got extra time, or you're really keen - why not spend 10-15mins every day repeating the exercise or practice of the week? I have provided links to extra articles, books, quizzes and webpages each week so you can explore further some of the relationship and tantra teachers and concepts I mention, but don't feel obliged. Everything you need is right here and I am so excited to share this journey with you. Relationships start with attraction and interest but love is a choice that we make everyday. By being here and committing to this course, you are really choosing love and choosing to have a great relationship. I believe that strong couples with thriving relationships are exactly what the world needs right now.



Heart rhythm Entrainment for better connection

Read below, watch the short video & then have fun practicing together! What does it mean to have a really successful relationship? Have you been in the presence of a really powerful couple? Where you feel open and comfortable around them as if the affection, love and appreciation between them is palpable in the room? It's as if when they are together- everyone and everything is somehow going to be okay. This week you'll learn about 'heart rhythm entrainment' and 'resonance'. Fancy words for the flow state between couples like the one I described above. Heart Rhythm Entrainment is when the heart rhythm patterns of two people come into synchronicity. Studies have shown that this sometimes happens naturally when couples are sleeping in the same bed, between people who are closely bonded and between mother and baby. It is possible to practice and learn how to 'attune' to each other in this way at the level of the heart, to create a deeper experience of connection and to enhance the bond between you. This is similar to the Tantric application of 'Resonance'. Resonance is another word for 'synchronised vibrations'. My partner who is a scientist explains it like this "it's where the vibrations of one thing influence the vibrations of another thing that has a similar vibrational frequency." So if you and your partner are "things with similar vibrational frequencies" then you can come into harmony with each other. If you are not currently feeling 'in harmony' then you can do some practices that will help you to find this attunement. You hear it all the time in everyday language- "oh we are just on the same page" or "I really like his vibe" or "We just seem to really GET each other" etc etc. Starting the course with some exercises that will shift you as a couple into a vibrational match, or resonance with each other, creates a strong foundation. When you can soften into each other at the level of the heart- all the little worries of life don't seem so serious anymore. You can also practice the exercises in this video before love making and once you get used to them, can incorporate them during sexual intimacy too.



Choosing to celebrate each other

I really hope you are enjoying this course so far and have been practicing the previous exercise of settling into sync with each other. Today I talk about 'little moments as ritual'. Life is fast. It's great to have goals that you work towards and lots of activities to enjoy. However this rush, rush, rushing can leave us depleted or as John Lennon sang in his song 'Beautiful Boy'- "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." This week I want you to really sink into the little moments - to stay really present to the happenings and the interactions with your partner. Not all the time - but try to carve out some still points in your busy days. Stop to have a cuppa together and use all of your 5 senses to be entirely in the moment. See if you can gather all of your awareness and just be with each other. Taking the discipline to gently guide your awareness out of the mental chatter of the mind, and into what you are seeing, feeling, tasting, hearing and doing. There is a Tantric meditation, where you imagine that you are about to die, and that these are your last moments. How deeply would you listen to the sound of your partner's voice? How tenderly would you touch them? How many things would you intensely notice about the moment? Rather than take it for granted as just one of many more. I also encourage you to consider the idea of fully choosing your partner. Right now, and again and again and again. In healthy adult attachment - your primary partner should be the number one priority in your life. This doesn't mean choosing them over doing your work, looking after your kids or spending time alone or with other friends. What it does mean - is that your partner knows, without a doubt - that they are the most important person in the world to you. And you make regular and concerted effort to convince them of this, every day. Before you freak out - this doesn't mean your kids don't come first, if you have them, or that you become co-dependent and tied at the waist. Rather the inter-dependence that I refer to is where the adult-to-adult, deep intimate connection you have with your partner is privileged above all other relationships. This is what Stan Tatkin calls the 'couple bubble'. You are a team against the entire world, and nothing is allowed to burst that bubble. Not in-laws, not sexy acquaintances, not work, nothing. And yes, some people have consensual and fully transparent relationships with more than one intimate partner and in some cases these relationships can be fulfilling and healthy. I would argue that these principles apply just as strongly for non monogamous couples. You really need to convince your partner regularly of how loved and important they are to you, during times that they are alone when you are with another partner for example. Enjoy the practices! Make sure you both have a turn - and practice it as often as you like!



Pattern identification

This class we move away from the yummy and sensual - and into the nitty gritty of what patterns are playing out in your relationship. If you want to have a deep, safe and healthy relationship - this is something you need to look at. I want you to use self-compassion- it can be painful to face our negative patterns. But living consciously and not at the whim of unconscious bad habits is a highly worthwhile endeavour, so I encourage you to be willing to sit with a little bit of discomfort as you explore this lesson. I discuss 'hot and cool' couples. Neither is better and both have their challenges. 'Hot' couples are firey and passionate. There is often more sex- there is often more conflict. Other couples are 'cool', they are often the very best of friends, they rarely disagree. Yet they often need to work on keeping the passion alive. The risk for cool couples is they can become more like brother/sister or 'housemates' than lovers. Which one do you think you are? I also encourage you to do some self reflection on the following question; "Do you take things personally?" If your partner seems unhappy or complains- do you get defensive and take it as a personal attack? I see this with couples all the time - I encourage you to resist 'making it about you'. How your partner feels is actually their responsibility. We each need to 'fully own' our experiences, and learn to communicate our hopes, needs and expectations. How much easier would your relationship be if both partners tried their best to share what was going on for them. While also doing their best to support each other through difficult emotions or experiences. We can learn the subtle cues that let us know our partner needs some space, and we can learn how to approach our partner gently, and what they might need from us that helps them to regulate themselves emotionally. In the video for this lesson, you will hear some real couples talk about their patterns, and how they experience and work through these dynamics. Please listen and then spend time trying to identify your own patterns. If you are a 'hot' couple, as discussed above, this conversation could lead to an argument. So set some ground rules please! On a scale of 1-10, do your very best to notice if you start to go above 5 during the chat. 0 = 'totally chill' and 10 = 'so angry I want to hurl something across the room'. If either of you gets above 5- take a break, make a cup of tea and come back when you are settled again. The important thing is - you MUST come back. Learn to stay regulated as you discuss difficult topics, and focus on wording what you say in a way that doesn't make your partner feel attacked. If you are a 'cool' couple. It might be hard to have this conversation, as 'cool' couples often avoid conflict and shy away from talking about difficulties. Can you schedule at least 10 minutes to discuss some of your patterns? Can you take a risk and speak up a bit more about what you experience?



Deepening into love

Last time we talked about patterns and I hope you're feeling more aware as a couple of the patterns you sometimes fall into, and were able to have a healthy discussion that left you feeling a bit more like a team. This lesson is all about connecting again. In the video for this lesson I explain 'differentiation' which is needed for a relationship to remain passionate. Sex and intimate connection is a really common reason couples book sessions with me. We will keep weaving this into the course and you'll get more tips and exercises to enhance your sexual and intimate connection as we go. The exercise for this week is more about spiritual connection than passion though. For some people in this course, you may have stopped having sex or making love, or sexual intimacy may be a rarer occurrence than one or both of you might have hoped for. We don't generally share openly with friends about how much sex we are having or not having, and couples can feel quite ashamed about the idea of being in a 'sexless marriage'. As a couples counsellor I know it is more common that people might expect. So this lesson starts gently creating connection through eye contact. If you are a couple that has lost sexual intimacy, this can be a non-threatening way to feel bonded, to soften defences that can so easily be built when there is anxiety about sexual touch. For couples that are making love- try using some eye contact during. It feels weird at first- but takes you SO deep. You have to be willing to be seen in the vulnerability of your deep pleasure, which builds trust, connection and depth. Finally, for some people, this exercise will be too much for them. That's okay, you should never push through something which is triggering your nervous system too far out of it's comfort zone, you will only reinforce an avoidance of that thing.




Let's talk about when things get tough between you... Couples are bound to disagree about things sometimes, it would be boring if you always had the exact same opinions and ideas. Yet there is a big difference between a heated conversation over something you don't agree on, and being unkind, raising voices or shutting down and giving the silent treatment. If disagreements have started to become unkind- then you need to master the art of 'co-regulation'. Even relationships that are generally healthy, kind and loving can revert to unkindness when the partners trigger each other. As I explain in the video, if we perceive our partner is giving us threat cues (eg. angry tone of voice or facial expressions) it triggers primal rejection and abandonment fears. Blood flow is reduced in the front, rational part of our brain, and the primitive 'survival' brain system is activated. This is an evolutionary trait- in caveman times- those who were rejected from the group usually died alone! And when you are in 'survival' mode- you also loose the ability to have empathy for your partner or understand their point of view. Again, our primitive ancestors wouldn't have survived if they paused before fending off an attacking enemy because they felt sorry for them; in 'life or death' brain mode- we are wired to attack, not to think and feel. Learning to calm yourself during difficult conversations, means that you need to catch yourself early enough as you start to become upset. But once the primitive brain system has taken charge, it's often too late. So you need to get curious about your patterns. What do you notice and feel when you're starting to loose your cool? What can you do to calm down a bit? Here are a few ideas to try. Put a hand on your belly and focus on the inhale making the hand rise, then gently push the hand into the belly as you exhale a little longer than usual. Try 'zooming out' and remember the bigger picture of your relationship. Or ask yourself "what sort of partner do I want to be?" and stay connected to these values. Others may need to ask for a break to allow their nervous system a chance to settle. These strategies are 'self-regulation'. To explore co-regulation, you need to learn what will work for each other. Like the couples in the video, take some time to discuss the below two questions with each other. Please avoid blaming language, or this discussion could devolve into an argument. Focus on your own behaviour and feelings. 1. "What do you notice in yourself and your partner when YOU start loosing your cool". 2. "What could your partner do for you, to help you stay regulated". The couples in the video talk about their own experiences and offer a few ideas that they have tried such as being aware of tone of voice, and 'softening the eyes', using humour, and one of the couples uses 'externalisation'. This is where you take the focus off blaming, attacking and defending, and you stop and name what is happening, as if it is something external to you. The couple share that they say 'I think the tormentor is here' and 'sad arse sally is here'. Use humour and externalisation with some caution though, as it has to be done in the spirit of kindness with the intention to try to regulate your partner- and not as an underhanded way to have a go at them. Some people will prefer to self-regulate- and will feel better alone once they start to feel upset. If things feel tense, they would much rather be left alone until the difficulty has passed (but of course difficulties between couples don't pass if you just leave them alone indefinitely). If this is more your style or your partner's style- the approach is still the same. What do you notice when you are getting upset and wanting to withdraw? What would be helpful from your partner to enable you to stay present? And finally, of course the way you say things will have a major impact on how the message is received. See some resources below about healthy communication and share a comment for the rest of us to hear how you are going.



Amplifying appreciation

Couples in long term relationships sometimes stop doing all the little things that make their partner really feel loved and appreciated. When this gets brought up in my counselling room, I often hear partners defend themselves 'but you know I love you!'. Well even if we know, it's nice to get a sense that our partner is really making an effort to help us feel appreciated, understood and like we are doing an amazing job of being a wonderful partner (and for some a wonderful parent too). If you haven't heard of the 'Love Languages'- it is explained in the practice part of the video. The five languages are words, touch, gifts, time and doing things for others. I've put a link to a quiz below so you can find out what your main ones are. It comes from a series of books by Gary Chapman (there is a book for couples, kids, men and singles), linked below if you're keen to read more. In the video, the couples muck around and try to get a feel for giving and receiving each love language. I invite you to watch it, and then pause, choose who will 'give' first, then that person will take some time to collect some things from around the house for the game. Make sure to swap turns! The game is a lovely way to connect with each other, and once you've both had a turn, spend some time talking about which ones really resonated with you. Perhaps identify a few things your partner could do that really send the message - I love you, I appreciate you, I feel important to you, it's clear that you really think that I'm an amazing partner. John Gottman - the relationship researcher we talked about in previous lessons says that a healthy relationship needs a ratio of 5 positive comments to one negative comment. If you do this, the positive comments are a buffer for the times you need to complain. Complaining in long term relationships is not a problem - there are always going to be things that we would like our partner to do differently or to adjust. But if complaints come at a ratio of more than one complaint for every five positive comments, your partner is going to feel nagged, controlled, criticised, put down and/ or deflated. It's very easy to take things personally, it's a kind of automatic reaction to ask yourself 'what did I do wrong?'. It's easy to get defensive when you feel like this. But if your partner regularly ensures that you feel appreciated, loved, important and successful- it's actually hard to take the occasional negative comment too personally. You find yourself laughing it off, or motivated to make the subtle changes that will better meet your partner's needs.



Sexual polarity

I'm nervous about you watching this lesson. When I talk about 'masculine' and 'feminine' qualities I worry about being misunderstood. As I make clear in the video, these are qualities in all people, and perhaps it is time we found new words. Please don't think it's about gender roles or doing / not doing certain tasks related to what bits you have in your pants!! I talk about this because it is SO important. Regardless of what gender you identify as, you will need different things in order to feel fulfilled in a relationship depending on if you are stronger in your masculine or feminine. (Or perhaps you are equally balanced and therefore need both - & we all need a bit of both). Someone strong in their feminine (of male or female sex) will flourish when they feel they can let go, be vulnerable and feel loved, held and supported in that. Someone strong in their masculine (of female or male sex) with flourish when they feel they are living aligned with their purpose and are adored and appreciated for all they are doing. The feminine craves to feel supported, understood and important to the masculine. The masculine craves to feel appreciated, admired and valued by the feminine. Apologies if I'm stressing this point too much - but each of us has both masculine and feminine aspects of our psyche - we all crave to feel loved. In daily life, we have times when we need to be more in our masculine and other times when it serves us to be more in our feminine. Examples of being in the feminine include letting go and enjoying a massage, sharing a personal story with a friend in order to connect with them and even dancing. Examples of being in the masculine include making quick decisions about a work project, taking time to listen to the worries of a child and even driving a car. Clearly it serves us to be strong in both. This lesson uses the breath to experience these two different states of being. One partner makes themselves vulnerable by breathing in these different ways, while letting themselves be 'held' and 'witnessed' by their partner. The breathing partner is practicing the receptive; feminine polarity. How deeply can you let go into the experience? How much can you allow your partner to witness you in the different breaths and how deeply can you melt into their embrace? If this feels most natural to you- perhaps you have a strong feminine. The witnessing partner is practicing 'holding space'; the masculine polarity. How present can you be to your partner's experience as they breath? Can you stay attuned and just be there for them without judgement- just creating a loving space? If this feels more natural to you- perhaps you have a strong masculine. Practice both.



Couple communication

During a first session of counselling, almost every couple that comes to me says "We need to communicate better". There are many ways that couples mess up communication, but instead of going into all the ways we get it wrong, try the practice I am giving you this week- it is an antidote to all sorts of communication mistakes. I'm giving you a mission, that is to hear your partner, and do something different. Your partner will share something with you, and instead of answering, defending, fixing, responding, disagreeing or even agreeing - all you have to do is make them feel understood. You will do this by simply mirroring (in your own words) what your partner has said. You literally repeat- in your own words, what they tell you, and then ask "Did I get that right?' and "Is there more?" You keep doing this, just repeating what they give you- until they say "Yes! you have fully understood me". At this point you can give an empathic statement, for example "I can understand why you felt that way, it sounds upsetting" or "No wonder you felt frustrated". Mirroring, validating and providing an empathic comment doesn't mean that you agree! You might have a different opinion, you might totally disagree, you might have experienced what they were talking about totally differently. None of this prevents you from doing this exercise. Watch the couple in the video have a go and then follow these instructions: Person 1: Shares about something important to them. (Please chose something that is not too upsetting or triggering until you are experienced at this.) Person 2: mirrors back what their partner said in their own words, then says "Did I get that right? Did I miss anything or is there anything more?" Person 1: Shares anything more or clarifies what they meant. Keep going until person 1 says "Yes I feel fully understood". Person 2: Provides an empathic comment. SWAP!



Building energy between you

As promised, we will explore intimacy a little more in this lesson. So far in this course we've explored different approaches to touch and different types of breath to create certain effects between you and your partner. This lesson we will explore the movement of energy between you. Whether you believe that energy can actually move between you and your partner or not - I invite you to experiment visualising this energy moving as described to receive the benefits of connection, and you never know what else you might experience. The exercise in this week's video is inspired by the sexual alchemy practices from Taoism of ancient China. There are also similar practices found in the Tantric teachings of India and Tibet. But you don't have to know anything about energy or spirituality to follow along. As you practice, see if you can become attuned to the very subtle sensations within your body. Can you notice any vibrations, warming, tingling, moving energy or anything else? Generally we go about life without much awareness of bodily sensations. The intensity of sexual release at the time of orgasm can be wonderful- but if you practice staying deeply present in your body during intimate touch or sexual touch, you will also start to notice many subtle orgasmic sensations flowing through you. The Tantric teachings of moving energy during sex advise that the energy is circulated and circulated until the desire to explode into ejaculation is gone, and you reach a meditative state. The idea is that explosive orgasm which results in ejaculation leads to loosing energy. If you instead keep the sexual energy moving around the body, you will be filled with vitality and creativity. For the average couple, practicing sexual retention as explained above isn't necessary- you can gain many benefits by simply practicing moving energy around and through yourselves before allowing the energy to build to an outward orgasm. To teach the difference; I describe an orgasmic release as focusing the sexual energy down to the genitals, letting it build and trying to push the energy out in an explosion - either ejaculation ('out' of a penis) or explosive orgasm ('out' of a clitoris). Try instead to soften and allow the energy to move and flow and swirl throughout your entire body. Resist holding your breath, tensing and forcing this energy to build in one spot until it has to escape... Soften and let the tiny swirls of tingles and ripples of sensation dance where they will, move and undulate and see what happens when you make love in this different way. The benefits of the above practice are that taking the focus away from orgasm and ejaculation, you play together without pressure of performing, getting anywhere or 'doing' anything to the other. This can change the dynamic for all sorts of sexual frustrations such as erections not being as strong as hoped for, difficulty reaching orgasm or coming too quickly and even differences in libido and all sorts of other concerns. Lovemaking becomes about playing and connecting, about seeing where the energy goes- rather than having a preconceived agenda to both reach an explosive orgasm. Tantric teachings sometimes suggest scheduling a love making ritual; taking time to prepare the room, having some nice oils or incense, some juicy fruits by the bed, music playing, wearing something sexy, lovely materials on the bed or rug.. This can be lovely and create a feeling of 'something special'. Other relationship experts advocate for spontaneity- and suggest that scheduling sex can make it feel 'routine' and create pressure to perform. I invite you to 'play' this week - in a way that feels new and special to you as a couple. That will mean different things to everyone watching. Try the exercise from the video and please spend some time talking together about sex, intimacy and lovemaking.



Deepening communication

I'd like to encourage you to talk more. Not just about the day to day stuff, but the deeper conversations about what is important to you, what you think about certain topics and about your aspirations, hopes and wishes. Some people naturally prefer to be more spontaneous, and allow life to unfold as it will, taking opportunities as they come. Others really like to have a vision and goal for the future that they work towards. Neither is necessarily better, but couples can sometimes clash if each has a different modus operandi, and obviously if you both want different things this can cause issues over time. It's really important that you occasionally talk about the direction you are going in as a couple. There are some big ones, such as wanting to have children, where you live and lifestyle choices that can be deal breakers and if there are big differences you may need the support of a relationship therapist to navigate them. There are also value conversations that can be useful to discuss. Are you clear on each other's perceptions about drug, alcohol or porn use? Financial goals and money? Parenting Style? (if you have kids or plan to). Sexual compatibility? The video for this lesson shows the couples trying some questions (36 questions to fall in love and 'Love Maps'). And the invitation is to either have a 'date night' and try some of the questions, or make a regular habit of asking a question or two over a cuppa or drink. It can also be great to talk more about sex, arousal and fantasy with your partner. I've linked a Bustle article below that has some great conversation starters on the topic.



Roles in relationships

This is all about communication and roles in relationships, with a juicy exercise that will enhance intimacy and help you see your patterns in terms of sexual intimacy. I discuss Transactional Analysis in the video, this is a concept that works really well to help couples remain strong allies, equals and also passionate lovers. I describe the different ways of relating in the video, and there is a link to more information below. I also mention how important it is to be explicit in communication - just say more!! So often couples crack it with each other because one person had certain hopes or ideas about something and didn't let their partner know. Your partner cannot read your mind and expecting them to doesn't create a happy relationship, no matter how nice it would be to have someone preempt your needs and desires - it's just not realistic. This also happens when one person is upset or frustrated about something. Stewing on minor frustrations until they boil up and explode is clearly not the best approach - but people often find it hard to bring up little complaints. Remember from previous lessons that you need 5 positive interactions for every 1 negative? If you have a buffer of good will and affection you can speak your frustrations and complaints as they occur without creating a relationship rift. If little things seem much more emotionally loaded than they should be, it's a sign that there is something deeper going on. Consider the suggestions from this lesson; are the roles in the relationship out of balance? Is there resentment due to both wanting different things in the future? Is there a difference in values that is impacting? Resentments will also build if there is an imbalance in the relationship. If one person feels like they are doing way more of the earning, the housework or the childrearing- and do not feel supported in return, then there is going to be tension. This is also a breeding ground for the unhealthy parent / child dynamic as explained in Transactional Analysis. These types of issues are beyond the scope of this course- and the very fact you have come this far through the lessons suggests that there is a level of healthy give and take between you, but if this is something you are feeling, it's important to have an open and frank conversation about your concerns. Sexual intimacy is also an area where it does couples well to give more feedback. The exercise in the video is designed to help you practice speaking up more about what you like and what you want. In the video, the instructions are that one person gives and the other receives. The 'receiver' can ask for anything they want, eg back massage, stroking their hair.. whatever. And the 'giver' does it for a little while, then stops and waits for further instructions - as if they are one of those massage chairs at the airport that you need to feed $2 coins to continue. The purpose is to practice asking and putting into words requests and giving feedback about what feels good. The next step is inspired from the work of Betty Martin (her '3 minute game' is linked below and is highly recommended). The same 'receiver' asks the giver to do something 'to them' for the giver's pleasure. For example as the 'giver' I could stroke my partner's sexy arms.. It's for MY pleasure - even though it might feel nice to my partner. It's an exercise that enables you to feel what it is like to be in different roles of giving, receiving, taking and allowing. Generally there are roles that feel easy and natural, and others which feel confronting. As you do the exercise, notice this and practice embracing different roles sometimes that are less natural to you. Don't worry if the above sounds a bit confusing, watch this week's video for more explanation, and try the '3 minute game' below.




Thank you so much for taking the time to invest into your relationship, I hope so much that it's been juicy and that you've learnt a lot about yourselves and your patterns and also found ways to connect deeper at an intimate level. The last lesson is a gorgeous and fun ritual that you can do with things from around your house. I really encourage you to put aside at least an hour and gather all sorts of things from around the house that smell nice, taste nice, different textures of materials and things that will feel interesting on the skin, even things that make interesting sounds.. then take turns to blindfold one another and tantalise and tease the senses. This is a great way to get into a playful spirit and evoke the sensual and erotic. Be sure to use hands and mouth as well as the different props you find. As this is the last lesson, it could be helpful to flick back through the written material from the previous lessons and discuss any changes, insights or reflections that you have experienced as a couple as you have journeyed through these 12 lessons. If you enjoy ritual there are so many little things you can do. Here are a few yummy ideas: -Before making love or beginning sexual intimacy, take a moment sitting face to face and take some deep breaths while maintaining eye contact. -Set intentions for lovemaking. Speak an intention to each other; to feel the love between you, to move stagnant energy, to empower a goal or to release sadness, trauma or anger, to heal something, the possibilities are limited only by your imaginations. -Make love and move through the different elements as practiced in earlier lessons; use breath and different ways of moving related to earth, water, fire then air. - After sexual intimacy has come to a natural conclusion, hold each other and breath as one. Share what your favourite moments were, bathe in the bliss a little bit before moving to sleep or about your day. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking part in this course. I wish you the most loved up, connected and fulfilling relationships and send you so much love and luck.

Key learnings

1. Master conflict resolution

2. Ignite passion and intimacy

3. Enrich intimate experiences through Tantra

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Ella Shannon

Ella Shannon, based in Australia, is a skilled Relationship Counsellor dedicated to guiding individuals and couples towards fulfilling relationships and rewarding sexual lives.

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3h 06m



Rope mastery

Get a comprehensive and immersive learning experience about the art of Shibari, and develop your skills as a rope artist.


1h 33m

1h 33m


Yves Bonroy

Tao Sensual Massage

Immerse in profound intimacy with Taoist techniques for heightened connection, love, and energy flow.





Lola Jean

The Wet Spot Bliss

Unveil the truth about squirting, debunk myths and concerns, and delve into the intricacies of the pelvic floor anatomy.


4h 37m

4h 37m


Elisa Caro

Liberated Woman

Elevate your intimate life by achieving mind-blowing pleasure and deeper intimacy.





Lola Jean

Strap-On Play

Get comprehensive guidance on strap-on-play for a fulfilling, sensual experience beyond basic tips like "use lubrication."


5h 09m

5h 09m


Aida Lucie

The Passion Playbook

Become an irresistible and confident sexual lover and blow your partner's mind in bed!





Lola Jean

Wrestling for Lovers

Discover the playful side of wrestling and playfighting, turning it into an exciting and sensual experience. No experience required.


3h 31m

3h 31m

Caitlin V

Epic Relationship

This course helps you face relationship challenges and build positives quickly and enjoyably.


5h 35m

5h 35m

Lisa de Jong

Menstrual cycle wellness

An online course to create self-care, ease menstrual pain and cultivate mental and emotional well-being.


3h 12m

3h 12m


Aida Lucie

Spiritual Connections

Align your mindset, reshape your perspective, and cultivate sexual energy with theory and practical exercises.





Dr Lauren Brim

Post-Menopause Intimacy

Unlock sexual vitality beyond menopause. Reclaim desire, pleasure, and confidence with expert guidance.


2h 05m

2h 05m

Ella Shannon

Grow Together

Explore 12 lessons to strengthen your bond and express affection with your partner, all from the comfort of your home.


1h 33m

1h 33m


Miriam Ropschitz

Sacred Sexual Self Care

Unlock the power of sacred self-care and sexual awakening. Embrace a profound journey into your authentic sexual essence.


2h 01m

2h 01m


Bonnie Bliss

Loving Men

Navigate challenges, cultivate vibrant connections, and enhance intimacy with this comprehensive toolkit.


6h 53m

6h 53m

Caitlin V

Epic Lovers

This spicy, fun, program helps you connect with your partner on a deeper level than ever before.


1h 28m

1h 28m


Lola Jean

Sensory Breath Play

Discover the thrill of Sensory Breath Play to elevate your intimate connections. Perfect for beginners and seasoned adventurers.


4h 35m

4h 35m


Bonnie Bliss

Next Level Intimacy

Elevate intimacy with this self-paced program for couples seeking deeper connections and enhanced pleasure.





Tantric meditations

Explore tantra, meditation, solo exploration, and partner connection with our 6 comprehensive audio guides.





Dr Lauren Brim

Intimacy and Pregnancy

This course offers guidance for a fulfilling sex life while expecting.


3h 36m

3h 36m

Bonnie Bliss

Reclaim your Pleasure

Release numbness and disconnection, and embrace a pleasure-fueled, resilient life with this holistic method.


1h 18m

1h 18m

Lisa de Jong

Live with Endometriosis

A mini e-course to support you in your journey of self-care and manage the challenges of endometriosis.


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