Tantric meditations

Dive into our comprehensive course featuring 6 audio guides that cover tantra, meditation, solo exploration, and partner connection, all designed to enrich and deepen your intimate experiences.

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Meditation & Spirituality


2 Chapters • 6 Audios




Also available in French

About Tantric meditations

Unlock the secrets of neo-tantra and revitalize your connection to pleasure and intimacy. Our comprehensive course is your gateway to a more fulfilling sex life. Embrace mindfulness breathing as a neo-tantra tool, transcending daily pressures to focus on the present moment. Explore your transmitting and receiving poles, and witness the energy flow that binds you and your partner. This transformative course, featuring 6 expertly crafted audio guides, is your key to a deeper connection with yourself and your partner, igniting the flames of desire like never before. Take the plunge and set your intimacy on a new, exciting course with our comprehensive tantra and meditation program.


CLIMAX stands as a pioneering platform in the realm of intimate well-being and sexual education, advocating for a world where pleasure is accessible, learnable, and an integral part of everyone’s life. It fosters a harmonious connection between body and mind, ensuring sensations are fully embraced and expressed. CLIMAX is committed to empowering individuals to reclaim their intimate lives through self-awareness and a profound understanding of interpersonal dynamics, offering an unparalleled reservoir of content from leading global experts. This platform provides an immersive, educational journey accessible at any time and pace, featuring a rich array of videos, readings, and audios, all meticulously crafted to ensure a transformative learning experience. By joining CLIMAX, you’re stepping into a movement dedicated to bringing authentic, honest, and deeply fulfilling pleasure back into the spotlight of our lives.

Key learnings

1. Master the art of mindfulness breathing

2. Visualize and nurture the energy flow

3. Explore tantra practices both solo and duo

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Tantra and mindful breathing

Mindful breathing is one of the tools we can use from neo-tantra to help achieve the most fulfilling sexual sensations. It allows us to become fully aware of ourselves by focusing on the present moment.



In the Hindu tradition, Prâna is the breath of life. This mindful breathing exercise is best done alone and first thing in the morning, before you start your day.

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Tantric meditations

Dive into our comprehensive course featuring 6 audio guides that cover tantra, meditation, solo exploration, and partner connection, all designed to enrich and deepen your intimate experiences.

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