Vulva-owner orgasms are one of the most misunderstood things in the sexual wellness world and have been for years. You see the terms "clitoral" and "vaginal" orgasms in the women's magazines and the advice on how to experience both.
Sadly, the vaginal orgasm is still considered the "superior" type of orgasm, which is harmful because research shows (1) that 86.1 % of women require external clitoral stimulation to reach an orgasm during sex.
Interestingly, there is enough research to prove that the so-called vaginal orgasms are in majority another type of clitoral orgasms. The part of the clitoris that we see is just a small part of the complex system that extends to the inside of the vagina. But there is more!
So, let's unpack the truth about the clitoris, how big it is, and what type of orgasms vulva-owners can experience.
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We all know the clitoris as the small bud at the very top of the labia that contains over 8,000 nerve endings. It's an organ that plays an important part in vulva-owner pleasure. Fun fact: the clitoris is the only organ that doesn't have any other function in the body apart from bringing pleasure (2).
Most people believe that clitoris is only the small bud we can see, but recent studies reveal (3) that the clitoris extends way further to the inside of the vagina. Based on these findings, some researchers argue that the so-called "vaginal" orgasms are just clitoral orgasms that happen due to the stipulation of the internal clitoris.
So, instead of separating orgasms into "vaginal" and "clitoral," it's more accurate to refer to them as external clitoral and internal clitoral.
External clitoral orgasms happen through the external stimulation of the clitoris. The stimulation can come directly from your fingers or a sex toy. It also can in-directly happen through penetrative sex in certain positions like Missionary or Cow Girl when your partner's pubic bone rubs against the clitoris.
When asked by researchers (4), some women report that external clitoral orgasm feels localized and intense, like a sudden rush of warmth. It's also a type of orgasm that's quicker to reach.
The internal clitoral orgasm happens from internal stimulation of the clitoris. The infamous g-zone is reported to be a part of the internal clitoris (5), being responsible for the internal clitoral orgasms, aka "vaginal" orgasms.
However, the research on the g-spot and its part in orgasm is inconclusive (6). Some researchers believe that the spot doesn't exist, while others argue that it's a separate pleasure spot unrelated to the internal clitoris.
Internal clitoral orgasm is often described as stronger and longer-lasting than external clitoral, providing a deeper, whole-body pleasurable experience. (4)
Researchers say (7) that there are multiple different erogenous zones inside the vagina, apart from the g-zone. Studies report (8) the existence of deep pleasure spots inside the vagina like A-spot, O-spot, and cervix, which all could play a part in female orgasm.
In a study of hemiplegic women (paralyzed on one side of the body) (9), researchers found that even those who had no sensation in their clitoris could still orgasm through cervical stimulation alone. This suggests that while the clitoris is the primary source of most orgasms, it's not the only one!
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According to the sex researcher Dr. Emily Nagoski (2), an orgasm is "the sudden release of sexual tension." It can happen through nipple stimulation (10), exercise (11), induced by sex dreams (12), and external or internal clitoral stimulation, as we already discussed.
So, it's safe to say that none of the different types of orgasms are superior or better than the others. And what types of orgasms you experience depend on your body and individual experience. Therefore, understanding your pleasure anatomy and using the correct terms is crucial for cultivating a more supportive and inclusive environment.