Blog / Ecstatic Love
Is a kiss just a kiss? Did you ever wonder why we, humans, kiss each other? What are the benefits? What is the perfect kiss method?
A scientific theory explains that kissing could be a real evolutionary matter allowing us to smell the pheromones of our potential partners and know if they are compatible or open to reproduction. Biology even shows that women are most attracted to the scent of men who have a very different genetic code immune system than their own. This may be because potential children would have a higher level of genetic diversity, making them healthier and more likely to survive (1).
Kissing brings an amazing shot of biological reactions! Apparently, hormones that hit your brain during a kiss increase attachment, romantic love and sexual desire. Between dopamine (increased arousal), serotonin (for a better mood and obsessive thoughts about your partner) and oxytocin (the so-called love hormone that impacts desire), all you have to do is choose!
Last but not least: kissing is known to burn almost two to three calories. If you are kissing ‘passionately’ you can also burn between seven to twenty four calories a minute. Cheaper than a gym membership!
Kissing correlates to higher likelihood of female orgasms. Studies (2) showed that deep kissing during a sexual encounter was associated with increased probability to orgasm in females.
55% of men and 66% of women say they have ended a beginning relationship because of a bad kiss (3). Seems it’s slightly more important for women! An other proof: Men are more than twice as likely to have sex with a bad kisser than are women.
Men want to kiss someone based on their perception of facial attraction while women focus more on a man’s teeth in deciding if they would like to kiss him or not (4).
Indeed, in studies of smooching styles in men and women, evolutionary psychologist Gordon Gallup of the University of Albany found that men were more likely to initiate tongue contact, preferring French kissing to closed-mouth pecks.
One theory behind that finding is that men have small amounts of testosterone in their saliva. “In saliva exchange — whether that’s over weeks or months or even years — trace amounts of testosterone in male saliva could raise testosterone levels in the female and therefore increase her receptivity and her libido,” Gallup says.
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